Makes 6 servings

This soup, Spanish in origin, produces maximum impact with minimal effort.


4 cupstomato juice1 L
1/3 cupred wine vinegar75 mL
green bell pepper, finely chopped
English cucumber, finely chopped
medium tomatoes, diced
small onion, chopped
cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbspchopped chives25 mL
1/4 tsppaprika1 mL
 chopped chili pepper (optional) 


Step 1 In a large bowl, mix together ingredients. Chill for 3 hours.


Prepare with a food processor or blender, if desired.

If you like spice, add finely chopped chili pepper.

Nutrition & Notes

DIETITIAN’S MESSAGE: This versatile soup adds pizzazz to any meal. It has minimal fat and is a tasty way to increase vitamin C intake. 

Original source:  Gazpacho, from