Makes 12 servings – 6 cups (1.5 L)

Here’s a quick and easy snack to make up and take along for a high-carbohydrate energy boost.


4 cupsShreddies-type cereal1 L
1 tspground cinnamon5 mL
1 1/2 cupschopped mixed dried fruit375 mL
1/2 cupwhole almonds, toasted125 mL
1 cupshredded coconut (optional)250 mL


Step 1

In a large bowl, combine cereal and cinnamon; mix in remaining ingredients.


Prepare this snack as needed and store in an airtight container. Mixture will be less crisp after 1 or 2 days. 

Nutrition & Notes


Snacking is part of our lifestyle. Too often we take the easy route, indulging in high-fat snacks, then skimping on meals. Choose snacks wisely. No-Bake Trail Mix is a keeper.


Marilynn Small, Dietitian, Post Cereals

Original source:  No-Bake Trail Mix (, 2014.